We are Artsforward

Artsforward designs strategic encounters between businesses and artists to create opportunities of nurturing the creative industries and their contribution to the community. As an ideation agency we work to create new and exciting stories for our brands that engage their target audiences in compelling and creative ways. We are a 13 year old outfit and work out of Kolkata and Bangalore. Our major areas of interest are the arts, youth, heritage and environmental sustainability.

Meet the Team

Paramita Saha 1
Paramita Saha
Director - Creative and Execution

Paramita focuses on connecting arts to communities by creating engaging and generative stories that can move audiences in this post advertising age. For more than 20 years she has strengthened the community of artists and other creative practitioners to integrate art, movement and dance into social change processes, especially education and environmental sustainability. As an inter-disciplinary art and culture architect Paramita uses solution-driven thought, communication and methodologies towards building an ecosystem for the arts. She is an ArtThinkSouthAsia 2016 Fellow and a Global Fellow of International Society of Performing Arts 2018 and 2021. An idea and space person she can create multidisciplinary site-specific artistic performances and connect to audiences through exciting branding and media. She feels that arts can impact people deeply and therefore arts can build moving messages for environmental sustainability for the present generation. In short the person who will demand you to think.

Subhrojyoti Sen
Director - Sales

Sen is an accomplished, senior marketing professional with broad retail marketing experience. His skills encompass strategic planning, qualitative & quantitative research, interactive marketing, consulting, direct marketing, e-commerce, sales promotion and visual merchandising, with the ability and skill set to provide creative, innovative, enthusiastic and forward thinking leadership in a brand growth environment. Focused on achieving continuous, improved business performance and taking brands to the next level. Has over 20 years of experience on various roles and responsibilities. In short the guy you can talk to.

We work with

We're committed to a safe and brave space!

Sexual Harassment Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal at Artsforward Ideas and Events Pvt Ltd (Artsforward)

Artsforward has a strict no-tolerance policy against sexual harassment and any contracted temporary team member, collaborator or artist found involved in sexual harassment shall face the consequences under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 which could include strict disciplinary action if found guilty.

The organization, hereby, constitutes an Internal Committee (IC) comprising of the following members as per Section 4(1) of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 to receive complaints on sexual harassment, investigate and conduct an inquiry or conciliation on such complaints.

1. Ms Urmi Basu – Chairperson, +91-9831123976, basu.urmi@gmail.com
2. Ms Madhushree Basu – Member, +91-7595997568, pupai.madhusree@gmail.com
3. Ms Titas Dutta – Member, +91-8452059383, titas.posh@gmail.com
4. Dr Somabha Bandopadhay – Member, +91 93300 81480, somabhaphd2019@nujs.edu
5. Mr Sangram Mukhopadhyay – Member, +91-9051459747, findthewritesangram@gmail.com
6. Ms Asiya Shervani – External Member, +91-9000448893, asiya.shervani@gmail.com

The IC will perform the duties and responsibilities and exercise the powers conferred to the IC under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and applicable Rules as notified under the Act. In addition to the role listed in the Act, the IC will
investigate complaints from aggrieved persons of all genders.

The IC shall also perform a preventative function and is authorized to initiate suo moto action in case they detect abuse, harassment or red flags. All matters being addressed by the IC will be kept strictly confidential.

It is your right as well as duty to report any matter which may qualify as harassment, abuse, hostility or discrimination to the IC.

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Urmi Basu
IC - Chairperson

Urmi Basu is the founder of New Light: a non-profit community development project and charitable trust based in Kalighat, Kolkata — one of the oldest red-light districts of the city. Since 2000, New Light has provided shelter, educational opportunities, recreational facilities, healthcare, and legal aid for the children, girls and women in the Kalighat community. Urmi is a gender rights activist and a Nari Shakti Purashkar 2019 Awardee.

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Asiya Shervani
IC - External Member

Asiya Shervani is an organizational effectiveness, workplace culture and change management professional with deep experience in design and implementation of diversity, inclusion, leadership and gender equality policies and practices in various industries. She is an established expert in workplace equity, a trusted advisor and leadership coach, with substantial experience in conflict resolution, attracting talent, building social competence and thought leadership.

Madhushree Basu
IC - Member

Madhushree Basu is an illustrator, performer and occasionally a teacher / facilitator, primarily based in Chennai but also working in Gurgaon, Kolkata and other parts of West Bengal. Her primary form of visual art-making is comics and performance-making is dance-drama.

Dr Somabha Bandopadhay
IC - Member

Dr Somabha Bandhopadhay teaches at The West Bengal National University for Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS), Kolkata where she also completed her doctoral work. An awardee of the Indo-Canadian Shastri Mitacs Scholarship she pursued research on victimization of transgender persons at the School of Criminology, University of Montreal, Canada. She pursued BA.LLB (International Law Honors) from School of Law, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar and pursued LLM (Human Rights Law) at National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore. She also volunteers for the Global Alliance for Rights of Nature (GARN) and facilitates the Asia-Pacific Hub and Youth Hub. Apart from her law career, she is a classical Manipuri dance artist and has been awarded two Government of India scholarships.

Titas Dutta
IC - Member

Titas Dutta has been a practicing theatre-maker and performer for almost two decades, working for national and international theatre companies. Identifying as a queer- female theatre maker and arts manager from Kolkata, Titas is the artistic director of Birati Samuho Performers Collective - queer and female centric theatre collective that specialises in exploring unheard and unseen narratives from and for marginalised communities. She/they advocate for inclusive content and practice, accessibility of theatre for all, safe space for actors/ performers and self-sustenance of creative organisations in her/their creative practice. She/they are a certified consultant for POSH 2013. Titas has been a fellow of the International Future Leaders Program of Australian Council for the Arts for 2022-2023.

Mr Sangram Mukhopadhyay
IC - Member

Sangram Mukhopadhyay is a curious recluse based out of Kolkata who is interested in choreography for live performances and video. Broadly he looks at framing and subsuming the experiences of the physical body that is perceived through a gendered lens.